3 research outputs found

    Peer Tutoring and Scaffolding Principle for Inclusive Teaching

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    This paper aims to investigate the theoretical references that the literature offers with respect to the principle of scaffolding and to the methodology of Peer Tutoring from an inclusive perspective. The principle of scaffolding, in fact, has its roots in the first definitions by Vygotskij (1978a) who defines it as the social support provided to the student during the completion of a learning task to solve a problem or achieve a goal. Subsequently, this principle has been declined in an inclusive perspective with respect to classroom management and with respect to new transmedia learning environments. The reference literature was reviewed to highlight the learning outcomes related to the principle of cognitive, metacognitive and emotional scaffolding. In addition, from the point of view of classroom management from an inclusive perspective, a declination that is effective refers to Peer Tutoring. This methodology aims to promote mutual interactions mediated by peers in order to optimize individual functioning and promote the holistic development of the parties involved. Therefore, the Peer Tutoring methodology was highlighted with reference to both the theoretical and practical components of the studies investigated

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    Il testo affronta da prospettive multisciplinari il tema dell'apprendimento e del suo mutare in concomitanza del mutamento contemporaneo. Raccoglie i contributi di filosofi, sociologi e pedagogisti, impegnati nel definire il nuovo perimetro e le nuove modalità dell'apprendimento e, in esso, della formazione

    The Effectiveness of Serious Games for Enhancing Literacy Skills in Children with Learning Disabilities or Difficulties: A Systematic Review

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    Serious games (SGs) are often used for learning and cognitive improvement. This systematic review aims to verify the effectiveness of SG in enhancing the reading and writing of children with learning difficulties or disorders. The study was conducted according to the PRISMA 2020 Guidelines. The screening processes led to six relevant articles, all of which were randomized trials with a low risk of bias. The number of SGs developed for children with learning disorders with evidence of efficacy is very small, and they focus on enhancing only some aspects of literacy, leaving out the training of some fundamental skills, such as spelling and text comprehension. Serious games are effective in improving reading and metaphonological skills and in ensuring good engagement and enjoyment. However, poor generalization of progress to untreated skills was reported. The importance of investment in this area of research is highlighted